Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Week 8--Thing 18--Hobbit Day quotes

Aragorn----By my life or death I will protect you.  Here is my sword.


Arwen----I do not fear them.


Frodo----I will take the ring, though I do not know the way.


Gandalf----You shall not pass!


Gimli----Toss me! . . . Don't tell the elf.


Legolas----And you have my bow.


Pippin----What about second breakfast?


Merry----I don't think he knows about second breakfast.



Each had great comfort in his friends on the long grey road.


Go in peace!  I will not say do not weep; for not all tears are evil.  --Gandalf



You will have to be one and whole for many years.  You have so much to enjoy and to be, and to do.












Well, look at that! Quotes typed in ZOHO published here on my blog! I'm making Hobbit Day cards and choosing this year's quotes. :)
It was a little tricky. ZOHO's font kept changing to its default, even when I repeatedly tried to change it. When Ellen Ward came to stand next to my computer it settled down. I just need a permanent computer expert. :)

Can't seem to make the blog notes any closer to the ZOHO export. . . .

But how cool to have internet word processing and spreadsheets!! I'm excited about experimenting--to learn its quirks--Microsoft Word isn't perfect either!

PS I went back to save my work to my flashdrive, and ZOHO lost my work. Clicking on "save as" only gave options of new document or template. ?? I think I will look into GoodgleDocs and skip ZOHO.

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